Edgebricks provides
a Fully Automated edge cloud infrastructure

Provide services like logging, monitoring, security to any on-premises or edge location of your choice.

Edgebricks provides a Fully Automated edge cloud infrastructure and services

Edgebricks provides a Fully Automated edge cloud infrastructure and services like logging, monitoring, security to any on-premises or edge location of your choice.

It provides a true hybrid cloud experience on your choice of hardware and public cloud. No more lock-in with a public cloud vendor. You can run applications across edge and cloud infrastructure while getting seamless connectivity between the two. This allows you to pick compute that needs to be closer to your data and which can be best run in a public cloud.

Edge Cloud, Any Hardware

Edgebricks converts your choice of commodity servers into a fully functional edge cloud. This includes compute, storage and networking services to create VMs, volumes and private networks for isolation and security. You can start with a single node and scale without any downtime.

App Deployment (In VMs or Containers)

You can deploy your apps either in VMs or containers on this edge cloud to deploy applications. Typically customers use containers for their stateless applications or services and VMs for stateful ones. You can also run kubernetes clusters on this edge cloud.

Seamless Hybrid Cloud

In some cases, edge cloud cannot provide all services that are available in a public cloud. You can connect applications on the edge to public cloud resources for a true hybrid cloud experience.

Application Diagnostics

Once you deploy your applications, you can enable services like logging, monitoring and alerting on those applications using a few clicks. This significantly reduces devops burden on your team and they can focus on apps instead of worrying about these services.


Since CI is a continuously running task, it gets very expensive to run it on the cloud. You can run that on edge and closer to your team. We support multiple CI applications and also have a built-in CI solution for quick deployment and integration with your code repository.

Security and Compliance

All actions on the edge or cloud infrastructure are logged for later audit or for compliance needs. Security is not an afterthought like most other solutions. Security controls are handled during provisioning time so that your team does not have to make mistakes and recover from them later. We believe that prevention is better than cure.